On the road of life there are many breakdowns, tourist attractions, and pit stops. Join this mid-life, full-time, single father as he shares his Journey to Amazing.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


From the Apple website today:  

If ever there were an amazing example of a man who has left an absolutely amazing legacy, it is Steve Jobs.  I could not help but feel a profound loss as I read the news this evening.  The world truly is a better place because of Steve.  He wasn't perfect, but to me he was nothing less than amazing.  Thank you, Steve.  You didn't stop until your products and your passion wowed and amazed millions.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Unfinished business...everyone seems to always have a little.  Perhaps it has to do with some unpaid bills, a dirty house, a cluttered desk, or maybe it is a situation with another person or the personal work we need to do inside of ourselves.  Isn't it amazing how, as we get older, our perception of time seems to speed up?  Our days, weeks, and years seem to go by more and more quickly.  The reality is that we still experience the same amount of time every day that we did when we were children.  We have just become accustom to it.  Today, we are bombarded with so many things that we just don't seem to have enough time to do everything we want or need to accomplish.

What most people may not realize is that putting off what needs to be done today makes it even harder to accomplish tomorrow.  If we do succeed in accomplishing it, what else have we had to put off in order to complete the task?  The future has its own unpredictable agenda.  After several days, the little things that should have only taken a few extra minutes to accomplish begin to accumulate.  They pile up and get disorganized; some may even get lost or misplaced in the the "sea of forgetfulness".  Soon, it is no longer a matter of minutes.  It becomes a matter of hours or even days to get it all back in order.

A dirty house, a disorganized junk drawer or closet, a room where everything gets put to go through later, a lack of respect for our own boundaries and limitations...think of all the extra time it is going to take to straighten that up!  My fortune cookie today said, "Idleness is the vacation of the foolish."  There is always time to do the not so important but enjoyable.  There is seldom time to do the no so enjoyable, but necessary.

We need to start now to clean those rooms, drawers, desks, and closets in our life.  It may take a little extra time.  Plans may need to change for a few days.  It is important to take care of it before it clutters up our life, creates disorganization, and leads to despair.  We Must not make excuses , we must not procrastinate...we must not be foolish!  By applying discipline and time management, free time will become just that; free of guilt, worry, stress, laziness, and despair.

We have all made willful and deliberate choices to free ourselves so that we can enjoy our children, our family, our friends, and our lives.  If we stay organized, focused and mindful of our goals, we will be amazed at how much we can accomplish.  Remember, we deserve nothing less than amazing.  We will not only be able to enjoy our freedom, but we will begin to realize how precious each moment is, for once a moment has passed, we can never regain it.